Press Releases
The world of Aluminium Closures
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The world of Aluminium Closures
Here you can find press releases and press information (download option).
The new and expanded website for the Aluminium Closures Group, part of the European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA) family, has gone live. It explains one of the most impressive developments in the closures market – the rise of the screwcap. The screwcap revolution is based on many advantages screwcaps have compared to other types of closures for wine, spirits, water and oil, such as convenience, preservation of taste and quality, design and branding opportunities as well as being sustainable and economic.
Read more … Join the Screwcap Revolution…new Website out now!
Screw caps as closures for wines are on the rise – during the recent Mundus Vini* 2019 summer tasting, where 170 wine experts from 45 countries blind taste wines from all over the world, award-winning wines using aluminium closures accounted for 23% of the total (397 of 1737 medal winners) compared to 20% in 2018 (344 of 1730.) – that is an increase of 15%.
Read more … ACG - Global upward trend of aluminium closures used for still wines continues
In the hot summer months ahead white and rosé wines are at their most popular. And more producers of these delicious and refreshing beverages are turning to aluminium closures as their preferred choice. Even in the traditional European markets, increasing numbers of winemakers are using this most convenient, elegant and effective form of closure. A simple twist is all that is necessary to gain access to the refreshing liquid inside!
Six leading producers of aluminium closures and members of Aluminium Closures Group to exhibit together at leading global wine fair
Aluminium Closures Group continues sponsorship of Mundus Vini wine awards