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The world of Aluminium Closures
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The world of Aluminium Closures
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In 2020 one in three wines sold in bottles across the globe came with aluminium closures.
According to the latest IWSR Drinks Market analysis, overall still wine consumption decreased by 5% to 20 billion litres (or 26.6 billion 0.75l bottle equivalents). Nevertheless, more than 85% continued to be bought in bottles (glass and plastic), followed by liquid cartons and bag-in-box.
Countries which enjoy particularly high shares of wine with aluminium closures are Germany, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, UK and the United States.
During the year of the pandemic, aluminium closures for wine increased their global share by 2 percentage points, from 31% in 2019 to 33%, based on all closure types for still wine from on-and off-trade consumption. In retail channels the consumption of wine with aluminium screwcaps stayed stable during the pandemic, with the share increasing marginally, from 35% to 36%.
Wine sales from supermarkets and other retail outlets increased, as opportunities for out-of-home consumption were curtailed by the lockdown of bars and restaurants and cancellation of events where hospitality and catering is important.
In Europe the share of aluminium closures for wine increased from 30% in 2019 to 32%, based on all closure types for still wine on-and off-trade consumption. In total, still wine consumption decreased by 4,3% according to the IWSR Drinks Market Analysis, while, in the retail sector, consumption showed some growth. Encouragingly, in off-trade channels, the consumption of wine with aluminium screwcaps showed a growth of almost 4% during the pandemic, according to Euromonitor International. Consequently the screwcap share increased from 34% to 35% in this category.
Among Italy, UK and Russia, Germany is one of the few European countries with a higher wine consumption in 2020.
Anja Holthoff-Schlegel, the Aluminium Closures Group representative commented on the figures, “The continued progress of aluminium closures across all markets is very pleasing, particularly at a time when these markets have been so disrupted. Obviously the move to home consumption, with more retail purchases, has had a positive impact on aluminium closures, as these wines are predominantly closed with screwcaps. But we see steady progress, too, across the more traditional landscape, as both winegrowers and consumers learn about the advantages of aluminium closures in terms of convenience, safety and sustainability.”